Breakout Class One 2025
The First and Final Words on Recognizing and Understanding Ego Shadow Persona
A special breakout class consisting of 5+ hours of truly amazing content.
You’ll get access to Pre-Audio Sessions, a Handout as well as a 2+ hour live session which includes healings and attunements.
You’ll also have access to the recording of the live session soon after that takes place.
This workshop usually takes place in person and costs £700. The special Zoom price is just £85.
There is also a very special offer included with this course.
Three one-to-one transformational energy healing and imprint repatterning sessions for the price of two.
A saving of £100!
The Course
This year’s first Breakout Class covers everything you need to know about Ego Shadow Persona.
This workshop covers everything there isn’t time for in the main Renaissance community.
Dismantling the lie of Ego, Shadow, Persona
Duration: 2+ Hours
(This time is for the live video session only and doesn’t include the pre-recorded audio session)
This course will be held on the 1st of February 2025.
This course includes a pre-recorded audio session, a handout, and a live video session hosted on Zoom. You’ll also receive a replay of the live video session.
To love someone else is easy, but to love what you are, the thing that is yourself, is just as if you were embracing a glowing, red-hot iron; it burns into you and that is very painful. Therefore, to love somebody else in the first place is always an escape which we all hope for, and we all enjoy it when we are capable of it. But in the long run, it comes back on us. You cannot stay away from yourself forever. You have to return, have to come to that experiment, to know whether you really can love. That is the question – whether you can love yourself. And that will be the test.
― Carl Jung
Demystifying the Ego
The ego is your personal identity. It’s who you believe yourself to be. It creates your personality made up of projections from other people you seek to please or believe without question. e.g. ‘Susie is always the life and soul of the party!’ Susie then feels she must always be ‘on’ and ultimately runs out of energy to please others and fulfil their projections; she had to take stimulants to be that till even they didn’t work…
What archetypal patterns have been projected onto you? The clever one, the leader, the achiever who never complains and works so hard, the sexy one, the beautiful one, the one destined for greatness, the lazy one, the bad one, the not very bright one.
Come unfold these powerful yet mainly unconscious influences that trap you into creating ego self.
Claiming Denied Shadow Behaviours
The Shadow consists of all the denied, repressed, or just as yet unknown (to you) dark diseased toxic parts of yourself. It is who you don’t know yourself to be, but nevertheless you are until you daily actively engage in the work of psychological recapitulation. ‘Spot it you got it’ has relevance here, i.e. we always judge in another what we most judge, fear, deny in the self… the Shadow.
Come commit with us here to discovering and getting to know these parts of yourself very well. It’s important that you understand how inauthentic you’ve been conditioned to act from a very early age… to remain in the head, close off the heart and only intellectualise feelings. Denials play a huge role in perpetuating this until the ticking timebomb of repressed feelings explodes.
The First and Final Words on Recognizing and Understanding Ego Shadow Persona
A special breakout class consisting of 5+ hours of truly amazing content.
You’ll get access to Pre-Audio Sessions, a Handout as well as a 2+ hour live session which includes healings and attunements.
You’ll also have access to the recording of the live session soon after that takes place.
This workshop usually takes place in person and costs £700. The special Zoom price is just £85.
There is also a very special offer included with this course.
Three one-to-one transformational energy healing and imprint repatterning sessions for the price of two.
A saving of £100!
Stripping Off the Mask of Persona
The Persona is the mask that you show to others. It’s what you choose others to think that you are. It’s your Sunday best to get what you choose. It’s all those world teachers who are always perfect, always get it right and never slip up… desiring your money and allegiance… never pushing beyond meditations that create a little bit of bliss usually on some kind of exotic holiday… a cruise ship… avoiding shadow at all costs.
Let’s examine where you’ve created a false self to get what you’ve been programmed to ‘want’.
Vitally Important Discoveries
Take the brave first steps so that ultimately you can fully awaken to know yourself. These are the most powerful transformative keys to becoming authentic.
This is my message to all and to myself daily… to go within deeply to clear any last remnant of my small self so that true self can THRIVE and SHINE.
Our technology-based, must-have consumer lifestyles cause many distractions so that we forget our ‘best self’ (spirit), and thus, our lives lack any real purpose, passion or bliss. Loss of connection to spirit ultimately disconnects us from the rest of our world.
When we live out of harmony with spirit, we are more liable to cause harm to ourselves, to others and to our environment. Typically, our best self then calls us to awaken, most often through a series of ‘spiritual emergencies’. These ‘breakdown to breakthrough’ experiences can sometimes be mysterious and exciting, yet most often they are dramatic, traumatic and frightening.
Without the ancient maps and a teacher, the quest to restore our spiritual integrity may take an entire lifetime, or worse still, due to unconscious psychological blocks and denials, it may never happen at all. This is a tragedy because, ultimately, when we fail to deal with our own personal shadow defects, planetary shadow issues escalate, and we tend to get the corrupt governments, corporations and fundamental religions we deserve, guaranteeing we stay powerless.
Transformational Energy Healing and Imprint Repatterning Sessions
Duration: 1 Hour each
(These are one-to-one sessions with Susie)
These special healings have been created to activate brain neural pathway repatterning to facilitate deep realignments to best self. This will greatly enhance the release of typical ego shadow persona habitual reactive imprints and blocks, as talked to in the breakout session.
The First and Final Words on Recognizing and Understanding Ego Shadow Persona
A special breakout class consisting of 5+ hours of truly amazing content.
You’ll get access to Pre-Audio Sessions, a Handout as well as a 2+ hour live session which includes healings and attunements.
You’ll also have access to the recording of the live session soon after that takes place.
This workshop usually takes place in person and costs £700. The special Zoom price is just £85.
There is also a very special offer included with this course.
Three one-to-one transformational energy healing and imprint repatterning sessions for the price of two.
A saving of £100!
Here is what a few other people that have bought last year’s Summer Bundle had to say about it.
Kelley… Learning is a spiral 🌀, redoing this work and also doing the summer bundle shows and teaches us parts that we missed before or shows us different angles. Susie also teaches it in a way that the lessons are learnt differently. Very pleased i decided to do the summer bundle. Thank you Susie 🥰🥰
Laura… This summer bundle has been extremely important for me to remain connected to the right path. I Didn’t want to take the summer “off” and potentially lose the rhythm of daily practice and weekly attunement. The live sessions with Susie have given me access to her new findings and downloads which are both reassuring and motivating. And although for me repetition is key, it doesn’t feel repetitive, it’s as if I am hearing so many things for the first time. And In fact with some teachings in the summer bundle, there are concepts, words and philosophies that are new and this has renewed my impetus. I love seeing some of our soul family too. It’s good to know I am not alone and that we are all experiencing a similar path. Love to you @Susie Anthony for offering this bundle, must have been divine inspiration 🥰
Susie H… Just taken part of the day off to fully immerse myself in the playback of Summer Breakout 2 as wasn’t able to attend on the day. My word, I can’t say I felt peaceful and floaty afterwards – I felt as if I was being transformed at a cellular level at each and every stage. I know I drifted a couple of times but I have never seen such extraordinary and vivid breathtakingly beautiful luminous colours before, symbols and pictures. It was literally out of this world. Am going out in the garden now barefoot to connect with Mama Earth, feed the chickens and pick blackberries. Not quite sure who I am becoming as a result of this, but certainly something more. Thank you @Susie Anthony and all who participated. 💝💗💗
Maggie… Wow, just cought up on the last summer bundle. So good to be back with my spiritual tribe/soul mates. Love the learning. The summer bundle helped me to integrate everything I had learned during our Renaissance year. When you think you have it all the lessons under your belt. You learn something more. Every day is a school day. It was so lovely being with Renaissance soul group again. When we are all together sharing, caring for each other we are magnificent powerful beings of love. The frequency becomes magnified. I felt awake again, ready to continue my spiritual journey with gratitude to dear Susie our mentor/teacher and friend and my beautiful, truthful, heart-felt soul family. Thank you once again Susie for the incredible summer bundle. Namaste 🙏💕
The First and Final Words on Recognizing and Understanding Ego Shadow Persona
A special breakout class consisting of 5+ hours of truly amazing content.
You’ll get access to Pre-Audio Sessions, a Handout as well as a 2+ hour live session which includes healings and attunements.
You’ll also have access to the recording of the live session soon after that takes place.
This workshop usually takes place in person and costs £700. The special Zoom price is just £85.
There is also a very special offer included with this course.
Three one-to-one transformational energy healing and imprint repatterning sessions for the price of two.
A saving of £100!